Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Supertitous formula above only some of is small [of] example [of].
Last how us chosen a[n reading which [do] not contain kemusyrikan element? Select;Choose really from al-qur’an, avoid reading which our own [do] not know the meaning of arab itu.Bahasa reading is not guarantee, more than anything else Al-Qur’An reading which [is] diplesetkan.fatal as a result 2. Ritual
After reading selected and we sure that reading [of] shahih, then what have been told that white magic? not yet, because there [are] still more that is, execution or ritual from my the me.
usually a ritual there [is] condition pre & conditions which must fulfill, for example, fasting 7 mutih day, may not enter house during ritual, may even exist also requiring, food which may be eaten have to “ Nyolong”, try to conceive ! if its reading [of] correctness, but the way of which [is] impinge what islam religion law [is] white magic?

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