Tuesday, December 9, 2008

To be more sharpness need we submit; my me journey illustration [of] ritual;
Example there [is] the A [do/conduct] ritual which [do] not oppose against just aqidah tell execute white magic teaching, what lanas [of] him get angel khadam? can yes cannot, probably because its behavior not yet so goodness, Allah give Genie moslem khadam [him/it]. with nun [of] the the time, do a good deed deed the A add goodness, many have religious service, doing a good deed ikhlash, finally Allah have the pleasure to giving Khadam angel [him/ it], might possibly this happened.
But in other time the A turn into Fasik and dholim me behavior, don't angel, moslem genie even also will go from nya, hence don't surprise if coming in contact with one who [is] its sciences stem from al-qur'an but its its[his] at variance with al-qu'an, but its surprise [is] he still is " MIRACULOUS" even more super from previously. yes just karuan [of] its cause [of] nya have been replaced by infidel genie, and he/she xself [do] not feeling unconscious [him/ it] [of] x'self.
Its nucleus;core [is] we cannot confess to have angel khadam / its genie [of] Allah nya which The most Know.

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